Monday, July 17, 2006

...and so it begins

7:31am - That's the time I woke up today. Got a lot planned for today. But I'll get to that later. After my bowl of Cheerios, I'm off to drop off the kiddos to Summer Camp. I'll post after that.

10:09am - Finished my walk and before I showered, I decided I should treat my yard. Got some brown spots so I used some "medicine." Should help.

While I was watering...I saw this cool caterpillar. You can see it below - it blends into the tree but it was cool. Nice to be able to admire the insects around you. :-) You can click on the image for a larger size.

So what to do today? I've got to start editing my son's baseball season video. I've got about eight one-hour tapes I have to log and capture into my system then start editing.

I'm hoping I can have a 15min video ready by this Saturday for their baseball party. No pressure. Plus I also have to cook dinner tonight so I'll have to come up with a menu today as well. If I decide what I'll cook maybe I'll post. So that's on my list for today. I'll post later.

4:22pm - Wow...I've just gone through 3 of the 8 tapes! This is going to take me longer than I thought! But it's coming together. I think I've got enough but may log in about another 2 tapes - I can make it work from that.

Good news is that I won't have to cook dinner. Got plans! Whoo Hoo! So I guess I'll just update my BlockBuster movie queue and then watch some "DOG the Bounty Hunter" until 6pm!

Tomorrow will be interesting. I still have to dig a hole for a fence my brother-in-law will help me with on Friday morning. I'll edit the footage I've captured on video and then on Wed my son and I are going to the Apple Store for an Apple iMovie Bootcamp for him. I'm excited. Probably be up late tonight importing more video....guh....


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